Prostate adenoma: why and what to do about it
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PROSTATE ADENOMA: why and what to do

Adenoma of the prostate,
also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia,
is a common problem in elderly men.
This disease is characterized by an enlargement of the prostate,
which can lead to a range of symptoms,
such as frequent urination,
pain or discomfort during urination,
weak urine flow, and so on.

The causes of prostate adenoma are not fully understood,
but they are associated with age-related changes in the body and hormonal factors.
Treatment for prostate adenoma may include conservative methods,
such as medications (for example,
alpha-blockers or 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors), physical therapy, dietary and lifestyle changes.
In severe cases, surgical intervention may be recommended,
such as transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) or laser thermal ablation.

If you have any questions about prostate adenoma,
or other men's health issues,
we recommend consulting our urologist.

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