Mastopathy is an indication for regular examination by a mammologist to avoid complications.
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Mastopathy is a benign disease of the mammary gland,
which can lead to various changes in breast tissue,
such as: lumps,
tenderness, and even milk discharge from the nipples.
Even though mastopathy is NOT cancer,
it can be associated with an increased risk of developing breast cancer.

Treatment of mastopathy may include lifestyle changes,
such as: reducing the intake of caffeine and fatty foods,
moderate physical activity, and weight control.
Also, medications may be prescribed to reduce pain and tightness.
In some cases, surgery may be required to remove cysts or other changes in breast tissue.
Therefore, it is important to regularly have check-ups with a mammologist and consult a doctor for ANY changes in the breast.

It is important to remember,
that some changes in breast tissue can occur unnoticed and without pain!
Only a mammologist can determine the presence or absence of changes in the breast.
In our clinic, the mammologist-oncologist always performs breast ultrasound during the appointment.

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