Men's reproductive health.
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How often does a young couple make every effort to hear children's laughter in their home, unaware that the cause might lie in the male factor...
Specifically, it is varicose veins of the testicle and spermatic cord, known as varicocele...

Most cases of this condition are asymptomatic and do not cause any discomfort. Varicocele is often discovered incidentally during an examination or comprehensive check-up for completely different reasons.

Among all men suffering from infertility,
varicocele is observed in 40% of them. Therefore, all men,
whose spermogram indicators do not meet the norm,
must undergo an examination for this.

There are only surgical methods to treat varicocele.
If you happen to hear about treating varicocele without surgery - do not believe it,
there is no effective treatment for varicocele without surgery...

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