Sectorectomy of the breast: when it is performed and for what purpose
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Breast resection - to save the breast!

Sektoral resection of the breast is a surgical procedure used to remove tumors or other changes in the breast.
This procedure can be performed as part of breast cancer treatment,
as well as for the diagnosis and treatment of other breast diseases.

Sektoral resection may be recommended in the following cases:
Breast cancer: If a patient is diagnosed with breast cancer,
sektoral resection can be performed to remove the tumor and surrounding tissue.
1. This may be one of the components of comprehensive breast cancer treatment.

2. Benign tumors: If a patient is diagnosed with benign tumors, such as fibroadenomas or papillomas, a sectoral resection may be performed to remove these tumors.

3. Diagnosis: Sectoral resection can be used for diagnosing breast conditions, such as breast cancer, if mammography results or other tests raise suspicions of a tumor.

4. Prevention: In some cases,
If the patient has a high risk of developing breast cancer, a segmental resection can be performed as a preventive measure to remove healthy tissue that may be susceptible to cancer.

Overall, segmental resection of the breast is a safe and effective procedure that can aid in the diagnosis and treatment of breast diseases. However, like any surgical procedure, it can have risks and complications.
Therefore, it is important to consult an experienced and qualified mammologist-oncologist or surgeon-oncologist who will perform this procedure in accordance with all standards and requirements.

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