Pelvic pain, assistance of a gynecologist in case of pelvic pain.
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Pelvic pain


15% of women of reproductive age suffer from pelvic pain. The search for causes of such pain always starts with a visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Pelvic pain is pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back, to the perineum, external genital organs, the rectum or the inner surface of the thighs. The sensations can be varied: a feeling of heaviness and pressure, cutting or burning pains or sharp "shoots". If such pain lasts for 6 months, It should be mentioned about chronic pelvic pain...

Causes of chronic pelvic pain:

- endometriosis, most commonly diagnosed during laparoscopy -- adenomyosis

- varicose veins of the small pelvis

- chronic inflammatory process of the uterus or adnexa, which can be caused by TORCH infections or surgical interventions (abortions, etc.)

- chronic cervicitis and endocervicitis

- adhesion process between the genital organs and the intestines after gynecological surgeries or cesarean section

- urological problems: cystitis, presence of stones or sand in the kidneys or bladder

- urinary tract polyps

- intestinal pathologies

- myofascial syndrome

First and foremost, it is essential to accurately determine the cause of the pain!

Genesis-Dnipro Clinic has all the necessary facilities to diagnose accurately in a short time.

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