Inflammatory diseases in gynecology
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Inflammatory diseases in gynecology

Inflammatory diseases in gynecology
INFLAMMATORY DISEASES Inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive organs are a very common group of gynecological pathologies. They affect all parts of the woman's reproductive system. A disease, if not treated in the acute stage, progresses into a chronic stage, which often results in infertility and an inability to engage in sexual intercourse. Inflammatory processes are divided into specific and nonspecific. Specific diseases include those that which are transmitted sexually. Nonspecific pathology is provoked by staphylococci, intestinal and Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, other motile bacteria, which are not caused by intimate proximity. Signs of the beginning of the inflammatory process in female genital organs: - itching and irritation of the vulva - localized pain in the lower abdomen - discomfort during urination - frequent urination - the appearance of unusual vaginal discharge - disturbances in the menstrual cycle - infertility

- increased body temperature (may not be present).

The following diseases of female genital organs of infectious nature are distinguished:

vulvitis (inflammation of the vulva – the external genital organs, labia)

vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina)

cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix and the cervical canal)

salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes)

oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries)

adnexitis (inflammation of the uterine appendages – both fallopian tubes and ovaries simultaneously)

endometritis (inflammation of the uterine lining).

In our clinic, we have all the necessary facilities to establish an accurate diagnosis quickly and treat with the most modern methods.

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