Consultation with a gynecologist on infertility issues.
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Consultation with a gynecologist on infertility issues. Infertility treatment.

Consultation with a gynecologist on infertility issues. Infertility treatment.
Infertility is an unusual and multifaceted disease. Rather, it is a problem of the whole family, which is why doctors treat the couple, not just one individual. Sometimes there are cases where one partner is perfectly healthy, and the other is infertile – but these are quite rare occurrences. Global research proves that the percentages of female and male infertility in the structure of an infertile marriage are approximately equal. The WHO recommends considering 22 causes of female infertility and 16 causes of male infertility. Generally, Infertility in marriage is caused by a combination of 2-5 different factors, i.e., in 90% of cases, the problem of infertility is multifactorial. Infertile marriages nowadays are becoming a serious problem of national scale. Among the consequences of infertile marriages are family conflicts, an increase in the number of divorces, and the formation of an inferiority complex. Nowadays, the reproductive health of the population is deteriorating, which means an increasing number of couples are childless due to medical reasons. This problem can often be avoided, if you consult a specialist in time. ensuring active movement of sperm in the female reproductive organs — Presence of a uterus of normal size, correct shape, with healthy endometrium of sufficient thickness (female factor) — Patency and mobility of fallopian tubes, their good interaction with ovaries and uterine cavity (female factor) — Possibility for the fusion of sex cells and good quality of gametes (male, female, genetic factors) — The desire of both spouses to have children and the absence of psychological barriers to pregnancy Causes of Female Infertility 1. Endocrine infertility, that is, disorders of ovulation processes — occurs in about 35-40% of patients. This includes disturbances of the hypothalamic-pituitary system; menstrual cycle disorders related to hyperandrogenism; ovarian hypofunction (congenital or acquired). 2. Tubal-peritoneal infertility, Disruption of gamete transport — frequency of 20-30%. This alteration pertains to the patency of the fallopian tubes, adhesive processes in the pelvic area, or endometrioid disease. 3. Uterine infertility: congenital anomalies of the uterus, endometrial pathology, uterine leiomyoma. 4. Infertility due to cervical factor — about 55 cases: anatomical and functional changes in the cervix. 5. Immunological infertility — up to 30% of cases: production of antisperm antibodies in the woman towards her partner's spermatozoa.

6. Infertility of unexplained genesis (idiopathic) – frequency 10-15%: the inability to conceive despite both partners having no deviations in health.

Let's consider the potential causes of infertility. Some of them are related to lifestyle, others have a biological nature. Some causes are common to both genders, while others are specific to a particular gender.

Causes of infertility related to lifestyle

Lifestyle, as is known, can significantly affect your fertility, i.e., the ability to reproduce. Try temporarily changing your lifestyle and, possibly, you might already see positive results at this stage. Pay attention to the following factors: — Alcohol consumption and smoking equally negatively affect both male and female fertility. The combination of these two factors causes even greater harm. — Body mass deficit, Excessive weight or obesity can reduce a woman's fertility. — Prolonged exposure to the heat of hot baths and saunas can lead to reduced sperm quality. — Lubricants can affect sperm quality. — High caffeine intake (more than 200 mg per day, or about 7 cups of coffee) can increase the risk of miscarriage. Some coffee drinks can contain up to 560 mg of caffeine in a single cup. — Exposure to toxic substances in the workplace, such as pesticides, radioactive substances, X-rays, electromagnetic or microwave exposures can lead to disturbances in spermatogenesis. — Some medications for treating cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure can cause infertility in men. Causes of male infertility Among reproductive specialists, it is common to discuss the causes of infertility in terms of a "male factor" or a "female factor". What does it mean — from which side of the married couple are there problems in the reproductive sphere. In this article, we will tell you about the male factor. There are a number of reasons that can lead to infertility in men. The first thing to start with in examining a man is a semen analysis. Semen analysis disturbances During sexual intercourse, millions of sperm enter the vagina, but only a few hundred will be able to approach the egg and get a chance to fertilize it. Whether this will be successful or not depends on many conditions: — the number of sperm — their motility — morphology — size and shape Organic pathology leading to male infertility: In addition to changes in the spermiogram, there are some organic disorders that cause infertility in men. These are: — Erectile dysfunction — the inability to achieve or maintain an erection — Cryptorchidism — undescended testicle, as a result of which spermatogenesis decreases.

— Varicocele — dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord, frequently encountered, but it does not always lead to infertility. Surgical intervention is required only in some cases.

Transmitted diseases and diseases genetically transmitted leading to male infertility:

— Epidemic mumps (commonly known as "mumps") after puberty

— Surgical intervention on the reproductive organs in the medical history

— Inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland

— Cystic fibrosis or other genetic diseases in the family history

— Undergone chemotherapy or radiation therapy

— Chronic diseases (for example, diabetes, arterial hypertension)

But even if you fall into one of the above categories, know that most causes of infertility are treatable! We have been treating infertility for over 25 years, And our first IVF children are already receiving higher education at the country's top universities and abroad. In total, more than 4,000 children have been born through the IVF programs at “Genesis-Dnipro”.

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