Choosing a gynecologist based on complaints or diagnosis.
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Choosing a gynecologist based on complaints or diagnosis

Choosing a gynecologist based on complaints or diagnosis

We live in a world where our time has already become equivalent to money...

Something that takes several days, or even a week in public healthcare, can be done in one hour in a private clinic... For example, a public institution does not provide the possibility to simultaneously perform colposcopy, ultrasound diagnostics, and receive results of tests and swabs within one hour - for this, it is necessary to queue at each separate office, waiting several days for results from the laboratory.

To use your time effectively, It is necessary to address the intuitive questions of each patient who is going for an appointment with a gynecologist: So... How to best prepare and what to take with you? 1. Regular annual preventive check-up: It is sufficient to choose a well-equipped office and a qualified specialist; there is no need to bring anything with you. 2. Infertility: it is necessary to have with you your husband's semen analysis (with hourly monitoring of sperm motility), LH, FSH, estradiol, and anti-Müllerian hormone, if you are over 35 years old.

  • Uterine fibroids: all previous uterine fibroid ultrasounds.
  • Cervical erosion: image of the cervix, cytology, histological conclusion, if conducted.
  • Endometriosis: ultrasound images, conclusions, videos of surgeries, if conducted.
  • Menstrual cycle disorders: LH, FSH, estradiol on days 3-5 of the cycle.
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome: free and bound testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone. Test for hidden insulin resistance with increased body weight.
  • Thrush: you do not need to bring anything with you, The clinic's ability to do everything during the appointment.
  • Postoperative rehabilitation: surgery video, conclusion.
  • This approach will allow you to save at least one "unnecessary" doctor's visit and orient yourself in the situation faster.

    Stay healthy and value your time!

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