Weight loss program (author's method)
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Weight Loss Program (Proprietary Method)

Weight Loss Program (Proprietary Method)

The "Red Pill for Weight Loss" (excerpt)
A reliable and proven program for gradual weight loss without harm to health,
Remember the famous scene, where Morpheus from the cult film
The Matrix offers Neo to choose, which pill to take — blue or red?
"Take the blue pill and the story ends.
You wake up in your bed and think it was a dream.
"Take the red pill and you enter Wonderland.
I will show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Remember, I’m just offering to show you the truth, nothing more.
How to achieve a new quality of life for those, who already have problems with excess weight, cholesterol, diabetes, gout, joint diseases, pressure... in short, when conditions have already arisen, related to metabolic disorders ....
I had my colleague read this material, a very respected person, and you know, what did he say?
After extended laughter
he asked: "Who did you even write this for?" You titled your book "Intellectual Weight Loss", but where have you seen... fat intellectuals?
But actually - this book is indeed for fat intellectuals, who are capable of rethinking their lives and their habits and are waiting for real effective help.
"Full-figured women are good in winter for warmth,
and in summer for shade."
When your weight exceeds the norm by more than 10 kg, the waist circumference for men exceeds 96 centimeters, and for women 86 centimeters...
When you have high blood pressure - the upper limit – 140 mm Hg and above...
When you have altered lipid profile...
When your homocysteine is higher than 7-8 μmol/L...
When you have oily hair and problem skin regardless of age...
When you are offered a joint replacement surgery and they don't mention that you need to lose weight first...
When you have elevated fasting blood sugar levels and glycated hemoglobin levels...
When hormone replacement therapy does not help women during menopause and there is still weight gain...
When your car starts to "squeeze" under the armpits and around the waist :)
When your belly prevents you from seeing your own penis... and when women love you only for your money... :)
When men experience erection problems...
The concept of intelligent weight reduction
Smart slim surfing - SSS
implies first of all the interaction -
“SMART” DOCTOR – a physician with extensive medical knowledge not only in dietetics, but also in endocrinology, traditional and non-traditional medicine... necessarily with clinical experience.
a person with clear motivation for recovery, ready to comprehend the situation and to have a partnership with their doctor.
A very plump lady calls the weight loss clinic: - Tell me, does your clinic really guarantee significant weight loss in a short time? - Oh yes, madam... - The thing is, my husband made me a wonderful birthday gift, but I can't fit into it... - Madam, we promise that in 2 months you will be able to freely wear your new dress... - What does the dress have to do with it? My husband gave me a car. Let's remember Luc Besson's movie "The Fifth Element", When to save the Earth the four elements combined with a fifth element – Love, which united them. And this element was the most necessary condition for achieving the result – saving the planet.
EXTRAORDINARY IMAGE So, by analogy, to solve any medical problem, it is necessary to combine several components, but the key will always be –
the patient's passionate desire to overcome the problem, so it does not end up like in the joke:
«A fat man was sentenced to death by electric chair, but he couldn’t fit in it. Put on a diet – gained 10 kg. Became given only bread and water – added another 10 kg. Left with only water – another plus
10 kg. Couldn't take it anymore:
– Why the heck can't you lose any weight???
– No motivation, you see, none…»
This book will not contain foolish recommendations about counting calories and strict diets... As is known, they don't lead to anything...
We will only discuss the implementation of some simple rules – «LAWS», which will help you lose weight comfortably, meaningfully, without losing the joy of life, and beneficially for health.
I will quote the opinion of Professor of Dietetics at the University of California, Linda Bacon regarding diets:
“Dieting is the worst solution for people, who want to control their weight. Because it is the diet that is the shortest way to end up gaining weight”.
A lyrical digression -
Many well-known dietitians promised us a long life:
Adelle DAVIS
– a biochemist from the USA, Promoted nutraceuticals: nutrition for life, health, and longevity. Emphasis on vitamins, mineral substances, which can cure everything.
The author was popular in the field of nutrition in the 1960–1970s.
Died at the age of 70. Cancer.
Nathan PRITIKIN – author of the famous low-fat Pritikin Diet for health improvement, prevention of heart attacks, and life extension, tested on himself. Established the Pritikin Longevity Center in Miami, still operating today. Eternal opponent of Dr. Atkins.
Committed suicide at 69, suffering from leukemia.
Allen CARR-
Gained fame for easy ways to stop drinking, smoking, and losing weight. Helped patients lose weight in a network of clinics in Australia, America, Africa, Europe. Called his diet perfect: you can consume your favorite food in any quantity, as often as you like, while maintaining your desired weight without diets, special exercises, willpower, any tricks and not feeling miserable and deprived...
Died at 72 years old. Lung cancer.
Doctor F. BATMANGHELIDJ gained worldwide fame with his books on the benefits of water for exceptional health and longevity. Several years ago, the "water boom" also reached Russia. He died at the age of 72 from pneumonia.
Dr. J. OZAWA – the creator of modern macrobiotics introduced the division of food into yin and yang, focusing on cereals. He claimed that a macrobiotic diet was the best treatment for cancer.
He died of cancer at age 72.
Mark HUGHES – the father of "Herbalife", a network marketing system for dietary supplements and the famous badge "Want to lose weight? Ask me, Died at 44 years old.
Michel MONTIGNAC - author of the books "Eat and Look Younger",
"I Eat - Therefore I Slim Down"-
was the first to introduce the category of glycemic index of foods
and based his dietary system on it.
died at the age of 66 from prostate cancer.
Robert ATKINS – died at 72 from a head injury, but two weeks before that, he had indeed suffered a heart attack. At the time of his death, he weighed 116 kg ))) This is the person who taught the world how to lose weight.
Herbert Shelton
- an active follower and advocate of the well-known separate nutrition method - at the age of 77 was bedridden due to a degenerative neuromuscular disease.
He died thirteen years later, despite numerous attempts, he never managed to recover his health.
James Fixx
Author of a book about running, which became a bestseller in 1977, ran 10 kilometers a day in addition to other vigorous exercises. He was in good physical condition, but died of a heart attack at the age of 52 while jogging near his home.
Paavo Airola
Dietitian Paavo Airola lectured at prestigious universities around the world, held the position of president of the International Academy of Biological Medicine, and was the author of 14 books, two of which became international bestsellers. The American Academy of Public Relations even awarded him a prize for his book on arthritis. This brilliant man died of a stroke at age 64.
Robert E. Kovalski
Bestseller author, dedicated to diabetes treatment, as well as reducing cholesterol and blood pressure through diet, died at the age of 65 from pulmonary artery embolism.
Unfortunately, their life stories proved the opposite...
Something to think about
Of course, they were all different people with different initial health levels... They were people first of all with their own
weaknesses and habits...
And yet, one inevitably comes to the conclusion that merely
thoughtless and reckless use of any diets and
Intervening in nutrition systems without a thorough examination and understanding of a patient's problems can sometimes lead to catastrophic results...
It is important to clearly understand that the weight loss strategy for a 15-year-old teenage girl and a 55-year-old woman will be different...
for a person with diabetes, stomach ulcer,
gluten intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome, kidney diseases - recommendations can have their significant peculiarities...
But ....
there are common rules and LAWS
applicable to everyone

which we write about in this book
This book is designed for educated people who want to understand the essence of their problem through a systematic and thoughtful approach using global experience, modern knowledge and technologies in endocrinology, immunology, therapy, and nutritional science.
The weight loss program is designed on average for one year, during which you are GUARANTEED to bring your body into alignment with the desires and needs of your soul without harming your health.
In a year, you won't want to change your new habits, let alone go back to your old weight.
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