Echocardiography and vascular ultrasound, speckle tracking, cardiac examination
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Ultrasound of the heart and blood vessels.

Ultrasound of the heart and blood vessels.

Ultrasound examination of the heart and vessels using an expert-class ultrasound device is conducted by an experienced top-category doctor - Natalia Anosova.
Who needs a heart ultrasound?
Heart ultrasound can be prescribed for:
- all patients with cardiovascular diseases, arrhythmias, after cardio-surgical interventions

- to exclude/detect congenital or acquired heart defects

- for preventive purposes — if the examination has never been conducted before

- to women during pregnancy; athletes

- to people engaged in heavy physical labor

- during preoperative examination

- after suffering some diseases (angina, severe forms of viral infections)

- in atherosclerosis of any location

- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

- rheumatologic diseases

- to patients, receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy

- in thyrotoxicosis, fainting.

It is advisable to perform an echocardiogram if the following indications are present:
-chest pain/heaviness, in the heart area;
-heart rhythm disorders (pauses, frequent or rare heartbeat, "missing" or "extra" contractions);
-high or very low pressure;
-shortness of breath;
-cyanosis of the lips and nose;
-marked weakness/fatigue;
-chest injuries.

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