Treatment of skin, hair, and nail diseases by experienced doctors with 30 years of experience!
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Dermatology. Trichology.


Our clinic conducts comprehensive diagnostics and treatment of acute and chronic skin diseases:

  • infectious and non-infectious
  • the hairy part of the head, and also nails
  • skin neoplasms

As well as sexually transmitted diseases.

Common skin diseases, people come to us with:

Acne of any severity, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, vitiligo, eczema, rosacea, cheilitis, pyoderma, nail pathology, congenital skin abnormalities in adults and children (ichthyosis, etc.), Lyme disease, Coxsackie, atheroma, lipoma, dermatitis after insect bites, warts, contagious molluscum and other infectious skin diseases... Comprehensive treatment for us means not treating the disease, but the patient, to rid the person of the disease and help restore health. Diseases arise as a result of the impact on a person of external and internal factors, to fully heal a person it is necessary to identify these, and subsequently eliminate these factors. Our clinic has all the conditions for a comprehensive examination, treatment, and further monitoring - to prevent the manifestations of the disease in the future….

Treatment of skin diseases and subsequent monitoring - this includes pharmacological and non-pharmacological individual approaches for each of our patients, recommendations for local skin and scalp care, Creating a patient-friendly healthy lifestyle - taking into account the personal characteristics of an individual (adult and child) and dietary habits. For this, our clinic has its own clinical-diagnostic laboratory, ultrasound room, plasmapheresis department, consultations with all necessary "specialized" specialists.

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