Comprehensive body examination. Check-Up.
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Comprehensive health assessment. Check-Up.

Comprehensive health assessment. Check-Up.

Comprehensive full-body examination program for both women and men according to the standards of leading world clinics
Examination program before planned pregnancy
Examination and treatment program "Excess Weight"
Hair analysis for heavy metals and trace elements
Blood test for food intolerance
In our youth, we rarely think about the fact that our body is inherited from our parents, and it, like a family treasure, should be cherished. But there comes a time when the body starts malfunctioning more and more often. The time comes to change the approach to one's health. Previously, by the way, the state closely monitored this and regularly conducted mandatory preventive examinations, understanding that it is cheaper to prevent a disease than to treat it. Today, in the era of our "wild capitalism," each person has to take care of themselves. CHECK UP not just entered – it literally burst into modern life... Adjusting to it so much, that its English name is already used without translation and lengthy explanations...
Around the world, the term “check-up” is used to refer to the provision of a diagnostic program, including various modern tests and studies, consultations with specialists, conducted over one to three days at the base of a prestigious clinic. Check-up can be compared to a “technical inspection” of the body's main systems to identify malfunctions and failures in its function.
Check-up programs are primarily designed for actively working people who experience a constant lack of time. The traditional excuse "I am always busy" is no longer an argument or an excuse... Just a few days of examination - and the patient receives a full clinical picture of their body's condition, which is determined by age, gender, habits, lifestyle, and other aspects, affecting a person's health.
Having visited leading clinics in Israel, Germany, and Switzerland, Drawing on our years of experience, we have developed the "Comprehensive Full Medical Check-up Program". This program will help you create your personal "health passport", identify and prevent potential hidden issues, and outline solutions. Such an approach helps avoid the fatal consequences of diseases discovered too late and the so-called "descent into illness", where the sole purpose of life becomes an endless series of doctor visits.

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