Plasmapheresis (blood purification to remove toxic substances)
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Plasmapheresis (blood purification to remove toxic substances)

Plasmapheresis (blood purification to remove toxic substances)

Plasmapheresis – is a method of extracorporeal (outside the body) therapy, the essence of which is in the removal of plasma, which contains toxic and metabolic substances, carriers of disease causes.

Depending on the plasma obtaining method, there are machine-based, centrifugal, membrane, and sedimentation (settling) plasmapheresis. In the modern version, plasmapheresis is conducted in special plasma filters or separators, where blood is separated into formed elements (cells) and plasma. The plasma is removed, and blood cells along with plasma-replacing solutions are returned to the patient's bloodstream. To perform the procedure, the patient is connected to the device through one of the peripheral veins, using a catheter, connected to a set of tubes and a plasma filter. The entire process of plasma extraction and return of cells is performed automatically and safely, as only sterile sets of disposable materials are used. The duration of the procedure is 1.5-2 hours. Plasmapheresis is conducted to reduce the concentration of harmful proteins, lipids, hormones, toxins, antigens, antibodies, and immune complexes in the plasma. Unfortunately, the method is not selective and does not allow removal of specifically those components that cause or sustain the disease. Therefore, along with plasma, many other substances are removed from the body, some of which are necessary for the body to maintain normal metabolism. Therefore, The method under certain conditions requires replacement therapy with proteins and other drugs. Currently, plasmapheresis is not only of technological importance as a method of preparation for selective (immunosorption) or semi-selective (cryoapheresis) removal of harmful substances from the blood, but is also used as an independent method of detoxification. Indications for performing plasmapheresis, which in the 20th century were excessively broad (over 200 diseases), have gradually narrowed in recent years. International multicenter studies have shown that the unconditional effect of plasmapheresis is limited to the following diseases and syndromes: Indications

  • heart lesions in allergic and autoimmune diseases
  • viral damage to the heart muscle (viral myocarditis)
  • complications of myocardial infarction
  • heart inflammation of autoimmune origin
  • atherosclerosis
  • systemic vasculitis
  • bronchial asthma
  • fibrosing alveolitis
  • hemosiderosis
  • non-specific ulcerative colitis
  • Crohn's disease
  • chronic autoimmune liver inflammation;
  • toxic encephalopathies
  • diabetes and its complications (damage to the vessels of the eyes, kidneys, brain, legs)
  • reduced sensitivity to insulin; Addison's disease
  • psoriasis joint damage in psoriasis
  • pemphigus
  • herpes
  • severe allergic conditions
  • toxicoderma.
  • atopic dermatitis
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • systemic lupus erythematosus
  • dermatomyositis
  • - Systemic sclerosis - Pollinosis - Allergic reactions to various substances - Allergic reactions to physical factors: sunlight, heat, cold, etc. - Eye damage in diseases of internal secretion organs - Chronic inflammation of the vascular tunic of the eye, chronic inflammation of the orbit - Damage to the blood vessels of the eyeball in diabetes - Glomerulonephritis, inflammation of the kidneys in systemic lupus erythematosus - Goodpasture syndrome - Severe infections of the kidneys and ureters
  • severe kidney function impairment
  • multiple sclerosis
  • chronic infectious diseases of the nervous system
  • allergic inflammation of brain tissue
  • ethyl alcohol poisoning, hangover syndrome
  • drug addiction, toxicomania
  • Contraindications Absolute contraindications for performing plasmapheresis (contraindications, under which the procedure should not be performed under any circumstances):

    • severe brain damage
    • severe bleeding

    Relative contraindications for plasmapheresis (contraindications that can be overlooked):

    • Increased bleeding
    • Peptic ulcer disease of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase
    • Cardiac arrhythmias
    • Low plasma protein content
    • Acute infections
    • Menstruation in women

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