Plasmolifting (rejuvenation of the face, neck, décolleté, skin of the hands)
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Plasmolifting (rejuvenation of the face, neck, décolletage, and skin of the hands)

Plasmolifting (rejuvenation of the face, neck, décolletage, and skin of the hands)

Plasmolifting at the "Genesis Dnipro" Clinic

The undisputed leader in effectiveness and safety among most injectable cosmetic techniques is plasmolifting, or PRP therapy from the phrase Platelet Rich Plasma, which translates as "platelet-rich plasma".

The ability of human blood to stimulate life processes, especially the regeneration of cells, was first used in the creation of the plasmolifting technology in 2004 by Russian scientists Renat Akhmerov and Roman Zarudiy.

Originally, this technique was used exclusively for medical purposes for tissue recovery after surgical and dental operations. However, PRP therapy soon became successfully used in cosmetology for skin rejuvenation and hair loss treatment. The technique is exceptionally safe and has no contraindications, except for blood diseases and disorders of its clotting process. As a result of using plasmolifting, the production of hyaluronic acid and fibroblasts is enhanced, collagen, stem cells, and elastin. All this allows triggering natural processes of skin cell restoration and rejuvenation, which leads to exceptionally positive results.

Indications for plasmolifting

Plasmolifting is most often recommended for the appearance of the first age-related changes in facial skin, as well as the presence of certain health issues, which prohibit the use of modern chemical cosmetological substances.

Main indications:

  • loss of skin turgor;
  • appearance of a light wrinkled mesh;
  • increased skin dryness;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • presence of scars and marks;
  • presence of dark circles under the eyes;
  • dull complexion;
  • wrinkles of various etiologies;
  • post-acne;
  • rehabilitation after laser resurfacing and chemical skin peels;
  • skin recovery after sunburns or sunbathing;
  • accelerating the healing period of various skin injuries.

PRP therapy is also considered an excellent preventive tool, that allow slowing down the aging processes and restoring a radiant look to tired skin. It is especially effective in dealing with excessive pigmentation problems, making the skin light and as if "porcelain". Scars and small blemishes are also within its power. Injection technology of plasmolifting has proven itself well in treating various problems of the hairy part of the scalp, such as: - dryness of the skin; - excessive skin oil secretion; - scalp itching; - all types of baldness (postpartum, post-stress, hormonal);

  • seasonal hair loss;
  • presence of inflammatory formations and sores on the scalp.
  • Besides, PRP therapy is effectively used to stimulate regeneration processes after various surgical interventions.

    Plasmolifting Procedure Technique

    During the plasmolifting procedure it is important to ensure maximum safety, In the laboratory of the GENESIS DNEPR clinic, which is equipped to modern world standards, a comprehensive blood analysis of the patient is conducted to rule out the presence of various infections, viruses, and allergies to anticoagulants. A plasmolifting session is performed only if the analysis results are good, which allows to completely avoid any side effects. First and foremost, the cosmetologist conducts disinfection and anesthesia of the facial skin using special antiseptic and pain-relieving agents.

    After that, the necessary amount of the patient's blood is collected and immediately placed in special vacuum tubes.

    The blood is sent to a special medical centrifuge, where at very high speeds it is separated into erythrocytic and leukocytic layers, as well as a layer containing plasma with a high concentration of platelets. This layer is used for plasmolifting.

    Immediately after separating the plasma, the cosmetologist injects it precisely with a fine needle syringe into the problematic areas of the patient at intervals of 5-10 mm, which triggers metabolic processes due to the body's instant recognition of its own platelets.

    The duration of the procedure, typically, lasts 1-1.5 hours. During this time, the cosmetologist manages to thoroughly treat all necessary areas.

    Effectiveness of Plasmolifting

    One of the main advantages of plasmolifting, significant for many women, The appearance of a visible result after just the first procedure. Many representatives of the fair sex don't even expect such an effect, so they often call it magical. However, this is by no means the limit! By about the fourth session, the peak of plasma impact occurs, and patients can observe a real fairy-tale transformation in the mirror! The recommended course generally consists of 3-4 sessions, with intervals of 8-10 days between them. During this time, the skin fully regenerates, and natural regeneration processes are initiated, allowing the achieved results to last for 1-2 years (depending on individual body characteristics). A unique property of plasmolifting is that it significantly enhances the effect of other injectable cosmetic rejuvenation techniques. The results are especially noticeable when using the unbeatable combination of plasmolifting procedure with biorevitalization. It is precisely in such cases that it is possible to get rid of numerous signs of aging in the shortest possible time, including not only wrinkles but also dull, tired skin and the presence of clearly defined dark circles under the eyes. Plasmolifting can also be alternated with other techniques to maintain the effect for an extended period. An experienced cosmetologist at Genesis Dnipro clinic will individually select for you a complex of techniques, which necessarily includes plasmolifting and other procedures. called to solve various skin problems. This will allow you to achieve good skin condition and excellent blooming appearance throughout the year!

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