Mesotherapy (rejuvenation, nutrition, hydration of the skin)
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Mesotherapy (rejuvenation, nourishment, skin hydration)

Mesotherapy (rejuvenation, nourishment, skin hydration)

Mesotherapy at Genesis Dnipro Clinic

Originally, mesotherapy, invented in 1958 by French doctor Michel Pistor, was used only as a pain relief technique. However, this unique method of "delivering" necessary substances to specific skin layers was later used for rejuvenation and correcting various aesthetic imperfections.

In the process of conducting such a therapeutic and preventive cosmetology procedure, special therapeutic drugs are introduced into the superficial and middle layers of the skin to a depth of up to 4 mm, capable of dealing with many signs of aging on the face and body.

Clinic "Genesis Dnipro" offers its female patients proven effective mesotherapy techniques, which are individually selected and can guarantee a stable result from half a year to 5 years (depending on the initial problem and the characteristics of the body).

Indications for mesotherapy

The high efficacy of mesotherapy allows to eliminate many imperfections, however, some changes require more serious methods, thus, before visiting a cosmetologist, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the main indications for this procedure:

  • presence of age-related wrinkles of small and medium depth;
  • presence of wrinkles resulting from active facial expressions;
  • decreased skin tone;
  • skin hyperpigmentation;
  • presence of a small double chin, arising due to sagging skin or the appearance of a small amount of fat deposits;
  • reduced definition of the face's contour;
  • presence of stretch marks, as well as keloid, atrophic or hypertrophic scars;
  • acne breakout in the exacerbation stage, as well as post-acne;
  • rosacea and vascular "spider veins";
  • enlarged pores;
  • dull complexion;
  • dryness or, conversely, excessive oiliness of the skin;
  • hair loss;
  • cellulite;
  • necessity to restore skin after various types of peels, laser resurfacing, and surgical interventions.

Thus, mesotherapy effectively eliminates not only age-related imperfections, but also many other facial and body skin issues. Moreover, this procedure is often used as a preventive measure, aimed at preventing the appearance of certain negative skin changes, as well as simply maintaining its tone and hydration level.

Mesotherapy technique

When conducting the procedure, an experienced cosmetologist must fully follow the motto formulated back in 1950 for mesotherapy, which sounds like "Peu, rarement au bon endroit", which translates from French as "Rarely, little, and in the right place".

The choice of a specific mesotherapeutic substance or cocktail and its quantity directly affects much of the expected effect and the likelihood of possible complications. This stage must be conducted by a qualified specialist only, having undergone special training to carry out such activities. The cosmetologist of the Genesis Dnep clinic fully meets all these parameters, and reviews from satisfied patients indicate that the selection of individual drugs is done very professionally. As a rule, the standard course, aimed at addressing the most common age-related and other skin problems, includes from 4 to 7 procedures, each of which should be done once every 7-10 days. The selection of the technology for conducting mesotherapy, as well as areas of the face or body within which the injection of a certain substance or cocktail will be conducted, depends on the condition of the woman’s skin, the need to address certain issues, and also the experience of the cosmetologist themselves. A specialist-cosmetologist at our clinic selects the best options for each individual patient on a case-by-case basis. Substances, which are used for mesotherapy at the GENESIS DNEPR clinic, are fully certified and have an excellent reputation in the market for cosmetology services. These are organic, homeopathic, mineral, and lipolytic substances, as well as various vitamins, acids, extracts of plant and animal origin. Contraindications for Mesotherapy Despite the large number of factors positively affecting the condition of the skin during mesotherapy, this technique cannot be used in all cases. Our dermatologist pays a lot of attention to learning the medical history of each patient, conducts a detailed survey, examines the skin of the face and body, and, if necessary, orders certain tests. All this is necessary in order to identify possible contraindications for conducting mesotherapy, among which the following are highlighted: - pregnancy and lactation period; - menstrual period, as well as 2-3 days before and after it; - presence of neoplasms in the expected injection sites (moles, warts, papillomas, pus-induced inflammations);

  • psoriasis, various types of eczema, and other systemic diseases requiring serious comprehensive treatment;
  • issues with the cardiovascular system, including hemophilia;
  • fitted pacemaker;
  • any infectious and oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • serious kidney pathologies;
  • taking medications significantly affecting the blood coagulation process;
  • allergic reactions and individual intolerance to certain medications.
  • It should be noted that over 85% of adverse reactions occur due to patients themselves ignoring contraindications.

    It is very important for patients to be aware of this and not to hide any health issues or possible pregnancy from the cosmetologist!

    High-quality active substances and mesococktails, in tandem with the magical hands of our clinic's experienced cosmetologist, will help to solve most of the issues that concern women of various ages.

    After completing a course of mesotherapy procedures at the "Genesis Dnipro" clinic, you will rejoice in your reflection in the mirror every day and receive numerous compliments.

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