Hand rejuvenation (effective modern techniques)
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Hand Rejuvenation (Effective Modern Techniques)

Hand Rejuvenation (Effective Modern Techniques)

Hand rejuvenation in the «Genesis Dnep» clinic

Delicate, smooth, and supple skin on slender graceful hands has always been and still remains one of the most important virtues of a woman and a criterion of her well-groomed appearance. Unfortunately, frequent use of household chemicals, overly hard water, and aggressive substances in the composition of soaps or shower gels contribute to rapid moisture loss and skin aging in these areas. Moreover, significant effects also come from age-related changes, which can manifest differently in every woman. Hand rejuvenation through various methods at the "Genesis Dnipro" clinic will allow you to eliminate the most common signs of aging and significantly improve the skin condition. A low layer of subcutaneous fat and overly thin skin make the hands most vulnerable to the relentless passage of time, and often their aging occurs faster than the appearance of age-related changes on the face. That is precisely why it is important to regularly take care of the skin of the hands at home and timely resort to various professional procedures.

Who and when needs hand rejuvenation

Special attention to the condition of the hands is essential for women after the age of 30, as it is during this period that various age-related changes begin to appear, and sometimes this happens so quickly, that a woman does not have time to react in time, and cope using just regular daily care. Therefore, the optimal strategy is to undergo regular professional preventive cosmetological procedures in clinic conditions. Especially important is to maintain the optimal condition of hands during the menopause period, when hormonal changes in the body additionally provoke the appearance of age-related manifestations. Besides wrinkles and dryness, during this time, unsightly pigmentation spots may appear on the hands, unattractively protruding venous nodes and significantly reduced overall skin tone.

Special attention should be paid to the condition of the hands' skin when it is necessary to stay outdoors for an extended period of time in cold negative temperatures or during strong winds. Most women, who are actively engaged in various winter sports, are familiar with the feeling of tight skin, which cannot be avoided even with the use of special protective creams.

A beautiful, firm body, strength, agility, and endurance, gained as a result of many years of training in the gym,

After the age of 35-40, it can result in the loss of skin turgor on the hands, their "drying out," and the appearance of a distinctly pronounced venous pattern, which, of course, does not look very presentable. Such an effect occurs when a woman lives for an extended period with minimal levels of subcutaneous fat in the body, and also engages in active workouts. For example, one can look at the legendary singer Madonna, whose body still evokes the envy of many young women, but her hands, unfortunately, reveal her real age. It can be assumed that such an aspect is simply not important for a world-class star, however, it is obvious, that, if her hands were smoother and more even, the singer would look even younger. Young modern women, who are actively working out in the gym to get a beautiful figure, are increasingly facing a similar problem. To prevent accelerated aging of the skin on the hands in such cases, it is advisable to resort to professional methods at least 1-2 times a year. intended to maintain good skin condition. With an individual tendency to dry skin on the hands, it is possible to use moisturizing and rejuvenating techniques starting from 20-25 years old, selecting small doses of various professional products capable of preventing rapid skin aging. Hand rejuvenation techniques at GENESIS DNEPR clinic To make the skin of the hands firm, moisturized, and tightened, as well as to hide prominent veins, modern injection techniques are used at the "Genesis Dnipro" clinic. distinguished by safety and excellent efficacy. For each patient, a specific technology is selected individually, depending on the need to eliminate certain age-related changes. Sometimes we recommend combined courses to women, capable of reliably eliminating 90 percent of all negative changes on the skin of the hands. For hand rejuvenation, we use three main techniques: 1. Biorevitalization, involving a series of subcutaneous injections with special gel preparations, containing hyaluronic acid with a high degree of biocompatibility. This procedure allows most effectively coping with "drying" of hands, as well as dehydration of the skin and resulting wrinkles. A major advantage is that the result is visible after the first session. Mesotherapy, which is an injection technique, during which drugs based on an aqueous solution of hyaluronic acid with various active additives are administered into problem areas. By using properly selected mesococktails, maximum results can be achieved through the activation of blood circulation, acceleration of all metabolic processes, and effective antioxidant action. Non-surgical lifting using the product Radiesse, the main component of which is calcium hydroxyapatite. This filler is absolutely safe, well tolerated by the body, and helps to replenish the lost volume of tissues in the hands, as well as stimulate the production of its own collagen. Swollen veins and not too large venous nodes can be camouflaged during the "baby hands" procedure, based on the use of the Radiesse product. It should be remembered that hands always reveal a woman's true age, so as much attention should be paid to their care as is given to facial care! Our experienced cosmetic doctor will select the optimal hand rejuvenation technique, ensuring that you always feel confident that you look your absolute best! Individually tailored home care will help consolidate the result and maintain it throughout the year.

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