Contouring plastic surgery (non-surgical rejuvenation) at Geneis Dnepr Ukraine.
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Contour plastics (non-surgical rejuvenation) at Geneis Dnepr, Ukraine.

Contour plastics (non-surgical rejuvenation) at Geneis Dnepr, Ukraine.

Contour plastics at the «Genesis Dnipro» clinic

Despite such a name, contour plastics is not related to plastic surgery techniques and does not require any damage to the skin. Essentially, it is a gentle injection technique used for correcting various age-related changes, differing in location and severity.

In the GENESIS DNEPR clinic, this procedure is performed by an experienced cosmetologist using special gel-like products (fillers), containing a specific amount of stabilized hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, which virtually eliminates the occurrence of allergic reactions and rejection of the drug. Indications for the use of contour plastics Thanks to the unique ability of hyaluronic acid to fill the subcutaneous space, fillers, which include it, are used to effectively address the following age-related issues and various skin defects: - General ptosis of the facial tissues of the first degree of severity;

  • appearance of wrinkles due to severe skin dehydration;
  • vertical and horizontal forehead wrinkles;
  • glabellar wrinkles;
  • sagging eyebrows;
  • "crow's feet" and other wrinkles around the eyes;
  • vertical folds on the bridge of the nose;
  • deepening of the nasolabial fold;
  • improper shape of the nose;
  • sagging cheeks;
  • insufficiently defined cheekbones;
  • sagging, insufficient volume or deformation of the earlobe;
  • nasolabial folds of varying degrees;
  • perioral wrinkles;
  • mimic wrinkles at the corners of the mouth;
  • insufficient lip volume;
  • unclear or asymmetric lip contour;
  • drooping corners of the mouth;
  • vertical wrinkles under the lower lip;
  • marionette lines (wrinkles extending from the corners of the mouth to the chin and giving the face a sad expression);
  • unclear chin contour;
  • presence of wrinkles on the chin;
  • double chin, resulting from decreased skin tone.
  • In addition to everything listed above, Contour plastics provide a significant increase in the level of skin hydration and elasticity, and also stimulate the production of own hyaluronic acid and collagen. As a result, the skin looks not only smoother, but also significantly fresher and literally radiates health. Contraindications for the use of contour plastics Despite the fact that only the safest fillers based on hyaluronic acid are used at the "Genesis Dnipro" clinic, there are such body conditions, during which for facial skin rejuvenation it is better not to use this procedure. Contraindications to contour plastics include: - pregnancy and breastfeeding period; - diabetes and other glucose metabolism disorders; - arthritis and various chronic joint diseases; - bacterial, fungal, and viral skin infections; - hemophilia and other disorders related to blood coagulation; - mechanical or laser resurfacing of facial skin, as well as chemical peeling, - recently conducted (within a few months); - individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid; - previously injected substances into the skin, which include silicone; - tendency to scar formation at the slightest skin damage. Psychological fear of injections has long ceased to be a contraindication for undergoing this procedure, as modern methods of contour plastics involve completely safe and effective anesthesia. Complications after contour plastics

    The likelihood of complications from the use of hyaluronic acid fillers is minimized because this substance has excellent biocompatibility and is almost never rejected by the body.

    If individual bruises or slight swellings occur after the procedure, they will resolve on their own within a week. To speed up the healing of the skin, our cosmetologist will definitely recommend special anti-inflammatory creams and other similar products.

    However, the patient's awareness is also important, as she must inform the cosmetologist about any existing diseases. Remember, by hiding such information, you risk facing a significant number of complications! Products for contour plastics used in the clinic "Genesis Dnepro" In the GENESIS DNEPR clinic, several types of products containing hyaluronic acid as an active ingredient are presented. They differ in structure and viscosity level. In each specific case, a drug is individually selected that is best able to solve the task set before the cosmetologist to eliminate the existing problem in the patient. Thus, to fill in the "crow's feet," agents with a sufficiently light texture are used, and for replenishing the missing volume in certain areas of the face, entirely different drugs in composition and texture characteristics are effectively able to cope.

    The clinic's cosmetologist uses such globally certified and recognized as maximally safe products as:

    • Juvederm (made in France);
    • Surgiderm (made in France);
    • Restylane (made in Sweden);
    • Teosyal (made in Switzerland).

    Typically, comprehensive contouring is performed using several types of products, each of which is professionally selected by our cosmetologist considering individual features of wrinkle placement and other signs of aging on the patient's face, the thickness of the skin, the degree of impact from negative factors, and the overall condition of the body.

    How the contouring plastic procedure is carried out at GENESIS DNEPR clinic

    Opening ampoules with medications, which will be used, occurs in the presence of the patient. She can see for herself that the product is indeed called what the cosmetologist said, read information about its manufacturer and verify the expiration date. Immediately after the procedure, the cosmetologist shows the patient an empty syringe, so that she has no doubts that a specific drug was administered. In addition, all data are recorded in the personal medical record, as a result of which the woman will always know which injections were administered and at what time. Having familiarized herself with the state of health of the body and the characteristics of the patient's skin, Our cosmetologist selects the most optimal fillers and, depending on the individual characteristics of aging signs manifestation, determines the appropriate dosage. Then on the skin, points for the injection of drugs are marked using a special safe marker, ensuring their best distribution. After thorough but gentle cleansing and disinfection of the skin, anesthesia is performed if necessary.

    Direct injection of fillers is performed using the finest needle of an insulin syringe in a specific order determined by the cosmetologist and capable of providing the best effect. When entering the soft tissues, molecules of hyaluronic acid begin to actively absorb moisture, as a result of which they increase in size and, thereby, contribute to the rapid smoothing of the skin.

    The actual procedure of contour plastics lasts from 30 to 60 minutes, and just an hour later, the patient can return to normal life.

    The absence of a prolonged rehabilitation period and a rapid effect, comparable to the action of surgical rejuvenation methods, make this technique very popular among women who want to look much younger. The guaranteed result lasts from 6 to 12 months, depending on the characteristics of metabolic processes and the general condition of a specific woman's body. If necessary, this procedure can be repeated multiple times, as it is safe and allows for a quick rejuvenation of 5-10 years.

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