Botulinotherapy (elimination of mimic wrinkles)
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Botulinum toxin therapy (elimination of expression lines)

Botulinum toxin therapy (elimination of expression lines)

Botulinum therapy at the «Genesis Dnepr» clinic

Today, one of the most effective methods to get rid of various facial expression lines is botulinum therapy, during which special type A botulinum toxin-containing drugs are injected into the problematic areas of the face. These drugs relieve muscles of excessive tension and thereby naturally smooth out the wrinkles.

For medical purposes, botulinum toxin has been used since the 1950s. With its help, the condition of patients with cerebral palsy was significantly alleviated, strabismus and other pathologies were eliminated. Since the early 1990s, Botox has been used in aesthetic cosmetology to adjust problem areas on the face. Today, this procedure is the most popular among women who want to prolong youth but do not risk undergoing the knife of a plastic surgeon. Many celebrities regularly resort to Botox injections, allowing them to always look great.

At the "Genesis Dnipro" clinic, botulinum therapy is conducted only with the use of the latest certified products, which are well-recommended worldwide.

Indications for the use of botulinum therapy

The use of botulinum toxin has become popular due to its broad spectrum of action, as it allows significantly reducing or even completely eliminating various age-related changes through the use of products containing this substance.

Botulinum therapy helps to solve the following issues:

  • deeply located glabellar wrinkles;
  • horizontal forehead wrinkles;
  • drooping of the upper eyelid or eyebrows that are positioned too low;
  • folds and wrinkles on the bridge of the nose or along the sides of the nose;
  • wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, occurring as a result of aging and active facial expressions ("crow's feet");
  • nasolabial and perioral mimic wrinkles;
  • vertical and horizontal neck wrinkles;
  • asymmetry of individual facial parts;
  • scars and blemishes;
  • increased sweating in various areas of the body.

Typically, this method of correcting age-related changes is used for the upper part of the face, because that is where the most pronounced results from the procedures are observed. In the lower part of the face, the result may be less pronounced, therefore, rejuvenation of these areas is often combined with other cosmetic procedures or plastic surgeries.

Contraindications for the use of botulinum toxin therapy

The methodology of using botulinum toxin type A for the elimination of facial wrinkles and correction of other skin imperfections is considered absolutely safe for a healthy individual. However, in certain conditions, it is better to refrain from undergoing this procedure.

Botulinum therapy has absolute contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • myasthenic syndromes, characterized by rapid muscle fatigue;
  • generalized motor disorders;
  • general infectious diseases and presence of inflammation foci at the presumed injection sites;
  • high degree of myopia;
  • hemophilia;
  • individual intolerance to drugs containing botulinum toxin A;
  • tendency to develop allergic reactions;
  • oncological diseases;
  • serious kidney pathologies;
  • taking certain medications, including antibiotics and anticoagulants.
  • Regarding the relative contraindications, The decision to use type A botulinum toxin is made on an individual basis, taking into account all the peculiarities of the patient's body condition, among which are the following: - tendency to form bruises due to increased fragility of blood vessels; - tendency to form persistent edema; - age under 18 years, due to the probability of an unstable mental state; - age over 60 years, as it is during this time that the risk of facial asymmetry after the introduction of special preparations increases. blocking mimetic activity;

  • regular consumption of alcohol, even in small amounts.
  • Despite the mentioned age restrictions, experienced cosmetologists recommend getting Botox injections not earlier than at 25 years old, as this is the age when the tissues responsible for facial expressions fully develop. For therapeutic purposes, the use of botulinum toxin is permissible from the age of 9.

    Unfortunately, about 5% of the entire population of our planet does not respond to botulinum toxin, in both standard and increased dosages. They are simply insensitive to this substance, and it has no effect on the muscle tissues of such people.

    Features of the Botulinum Therapy Procedure

    Before visiting a cosmetologist for a Botox injection, it is essential to come for a preliminary consultation visit, during which an examination of the skin covers and identification of possible contraindications are carried out.

    Specific rules should be followed the day before the planned procedure:

    • do not consume any alcoholic beverages;
    • do not take any medications classified as antibiotics or anticoagulants;
    • do not lie face down (during sleep or massage);
    • avoid any physical exercises, especially bending sideways and downwards.

    The procedure itself is performed in a semi-recumbent position and lasts from 10 to 30 minutes. The cosmetologist marks the most favorable points on problematic areas and injects the substance using an insulin syringe with the finest needle.

    After botulinum toxin therapy, it is necessary to strictly follow the same restrictions as when preparing for it for a few days, as well as the following rules:

    • do not lie down or bend forward or sideways for at least 4 hours;
    • do not touch, press, or knead the treated areas with hands for at least 2-3 days;
    • do not take a bath or a very hot shower, do not dry hair with a blower, avoid visiting saunas and taking sunbaths for at least one week.

    If the above recommendations are not followed, there is a significant increase in the risk of edema, hemorrhages, and even headaches.

    The success of the procedure largely depends on the experience of the cosmetologist and the individual characteristics of the patient's body. As a rule, the first results can be noticed after just 2-3 days, however, the maximum effect is observed after two weeks. Once 14 days have passed since the Botox injection, it is better to see a cosmetologist to assess the condition of the facial muscles and, if necessary,

    carrying out additional correction with botulinum toxin preparations.

    The achieved result lasts from 3 to 12 months. This depends on the characteristics of muscle fiber structure, responsible for mimicking, as well as the rate of metabolic processes in the body and the restoration of neural connections.

    Modern botulinotherapy technique is considered a worthy alternative to traumatic methods of plastic surgery and is effective for most women of different ages. By choosing GENESIS DNEPR clinic to perform this rejuvenating procedure, you can be confident in a professional approach that considers all individual preferences and excellent results, which will allow you to immediately feel younger and more attractive!

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