Bio-revitalization (deep skin hydration, lifting)
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Biorevitalization (deep skin hydration, lifting)

Biorevitalization (deep skin hydration, lifting)

Biorevitalization at Genesis Dnipro Clinic

Recently in cosmetology, such injection technique as biorevitalization has been gaining increasing popularity. Essentially, this procedure is one of many varieties of mesotherapy, as it involves the subcutaneous injection of special drugs aimed at solving various skin problems. However, whereas mesotherapy uses various multi-component cocktails, biorevitalization employs drugs that affecting the skin condition by normalizing all metabolic processes and restoring the natural physiological environment. For the first time, such procedures were performed by Italian dermatologists back in 2001. Excellent results, which were visible after the very first session, quickly made this technique highly sought after in cosmetology. The long-lasting effect after a whole course of procedures and the ability to solve even those problems, which are resistant to other injectable techniques, allowed biorevitalization to firmly take its place as one of the most effective ways to combat skin beauty. Indications for conducting biorevitalization Despite the fact that mesotherapy and biorevitalization are very similar, they are used in different cases. When choosing one or the other technique, it should be considered that mesotherapy is more aimed at the general health improvement of the skin, as a result of which it is most effective for eliminating serious signs of aging present throughout the face. Bio revitalization is more aimed at eliminating such local problems as "crow's feet", nasolabial folds, etc. In addition, this procedure has proved to be effective as a moisturizing, normalizing, and stimulating metabolic processes in the skin. The main indications for performing bio revitalization are: - a high degree of skin dehydration; - the effect of skin tightness, which occurred as a result of using special therapeutic drugs for acne, etc.

  • oily problematic skin with insufficient hydration;
  • saggy skin and decreased tone;
  • the presence of pigmentation spots of various degrees of intensity;
  • shallow and deep age-related and expression wrinkles of various localizations;
  • constant exposure of the skin to smoking, exhaust gases, and other adverse factors;
  • recovery of skin metabolic processes after exposure to sunlight;
  • enlarged pores;
    • preparation and rehabilitation of the dermis before and after various cosmetic procedures and plastic surgeries;
    • dull and unhealthy complexion;
    • increased sweating;
    • for preventive purposes to prevent skin dryness.

    For a comprehensive effect on the skin after the age of 40, combined courses of procedures are often used. In this case, mesotherapy provides an overall skin rejuvenation effect, and biorevitalization helps to deal with so-called "complex" wrinkles, which include deep furrows on the forehead between the eyebrows, strongly pronounced nasolabial folds, and wrinkles at the corners of the eyes. Contraindications, rehabilitation period and duration of results Since the technologies used in biorevitalization and mesotherapy are almost identical, their contraindications are, for the most part, the same. You can read about the main conditions under which such techniques should not be used in our section dedicated to mesotherapy. However, Due to the fact that biorevitalization uses different substances, it has different contraindications: - various autoimmune diseases; - any chronic diseases in the acute phase; - the slightest inflammations of the skin in the expected areas of product injection; - individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid and other substances contained in biorevitalizants. The rehabilitation period after one biorevitalization procedure lasts no more than 1-2 days, during which it is necessary to treat injection sites with special anti-inflammatory agents. As a rule, a full course consists of 3 to 6-7 sessions (depending on the severity of the existing problem). The interval between procedures should be at least 3-4 weeks, as natural regenerative processes take place in the skin within two weeks after the first session, positively affecting its condition. The result obtained can last from six months to one and a half years. This directly depends on the drug used, which was used for biorevitalization, the woman's age, as well as individual characteristics of the body and the impact on the skin of various negative factors.

    Products for Biorevitalization

    Initially, only specialized gel products containing 1.5-2% hyaluronic acid were used in biorevitalization, capable of coping with many skin imperfections and, importantly for residents of metropolises, normalizing moisture levels. Similar agents represent the first generation of biorevitalizants. The second generation includes those products that contain not only high molecular weight hyaluronic acid but also other substances designed to enhance the rejuvenating and moisturizing effect. Typically, these include various vitamins, peptides, various amino acids, and 1.6-percent sodium succinate, capable of supplementing the action of regular hyaluronic acid.

    The nucleotides contained in modern third-generation drugs affect the skin at the deepest level. They have the ability to repair those sections of DNA that have been damaged, as well as actively stimulate the production of natural hyaluronic acid.

    At the GENESIS DNEPR clinic, only high-quality biorevitalizants of all generations are used. The selection of a particular drug is done individually depending on the specific problems that need to be solved for the patient.

    After the very first session, a visible result is observed, and the likelihood of bruising and other complications is virtually reduced to zero due to the vast experience and skilled hands of our professional cosmetologist.

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