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Amniocentesis is a procedure that involves performing a puncture to obtain amniotic fluid.
Amniocentesis allows the detection of the number and composition of hormones, the composition of amniotic fluid, immune system disorders, as well as an assessment of the overall condition of the fetus. Furthermore, with the results of amniocentesis, a doctor can predict possible developmental defects, perform fetal cell karyotyping, determine the sex of the future baby, and in the case of late amniocentesis, assess the maturity of the respiratory organs.
Amniocentesis is most often performed between 16-19 weeks of pregnancy. However, in cases where there is a suspicion of genetic diseases or developmental defects, the procedure can be prescribed at earlier stages of pregnancy. Besides, amniocentesis can be performed at a considerably later stage for the purpose of terminating the pregnancy, in cases where there are medical indications.
Indications for invasive prenatal diagnosis:
- Woman’s age - under 18 and over 35 years old
- Presence of a child (fetus) with a chromosomal disease or multiple developmental defects in the family
- Presence of chromosomal pathology in parents
- Detection of ultrasound markers of chromosomal diseases in the fetus
- Positive results of biochemical screening in the I or II trimester of pregnancy.
amniocentesis is advisable in the following cases:
• Rh conflict
• Age of the future mother older than 35 years, father - 45
• Suspicions of genetic diseases (for example, Down syndrome)
• Post-term pregnancy
• Parents are close blood relatives
• Presence in the woman's history of miscarriage,
primary infertility
• Exposure to radiation in early pregnancy
• Taking certain medications in early pregnancy
• Conducting radiological examinations in early pregnancy
• Presence of severe diseases in the expectant mother (decompensated diabetes, etc.)
• Assessment of the fetal condition.
In our clinic, amniocentesis is performed by the Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at DGMA V.A. Potapov under conditions of increased comfort at a convenient time for the patient.
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