Pregnancy management at the Genesis Dnepr Clinic.
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GENESIS DNEPR clinic offers pregnancy care based on the "all inclusive" principle: consultations with a personal doctor in an unlimited amount, all necessary tests, instrumental and ultrasound examinations at our own laboratory, day hospital stay, classes at the Mother's School, and consultations with specialized doctors. We have extensive experience in handling the most complicated cases and monitoring pregnancies after ART programs.

Pregnancy care at GENESIS DNEPR

Why choose us?

A miracle has happened - You are pregnant. Your feelings did not deceive you - and a pregnancy test confirmed it... What's next?
Your actions?

Now you need to think not only about yourself: everything
you do from now on is connected with the little person,
who lives inside you...
and even watching movies - everything is now dedicated to your Baby.

To ensure that your pregnancy goes smoothly and comfortably,
you need to primarily care about health - Yours and your child's.
This means,

what you need to find a good obstetrician-gynecologist who will be part of your life for a long period of 9 months.
What does a good obstetrician-gynecologist mean?

This is a doctor - a high professional in their field,
who should also become your friend and a friend of your entire family.
A doctor,
ready to come to your aid at any moment,
without referring to the streams of patients and being busy.

There are no two pregnancies alike - each pregnancy is unique.
An experienced doctor will foresee problematic situations,
Prevents unwanted consequences.
Modern equipment.
A doctor's professionalism should be supported by the most advanced technologies,
the latest equipment.
you would agree,
if a clinic performs any laboratory test poorly,
even an experienced specialist cannot make the right conclusion.
Quality and expert pregnancy care is only possible in a clinic with the latest equipment.

A compassionate person.
A good doctor "experiences" pregnancy with you, rather than just putting in work hours. It's your personal doctor,
who manages your pregnancy,
that affects your emotional state and psychological comfort.
Throughout the 9 months, your doctor should become not just a flawless professional,
but also a good friend and psychologist all in one.

At GENESIS, we've gathered a unique team of compassionate people: doctors,
nurses, and the entire clinic staff,
who are ready to step by step move towards your dream - the birth of a healthy and happy baby.
We understand - when a woman is carrying a child, everything around needs to be perfect.

GENESIS Clinic is equipped with the most advanced medical equipment from the best global manufacturers, our patients are under day clinic observation if needed, and a personal chef ensures that our pregnant patients are never left hungry.

We offer

"All-inclusive" pregnancy care: unlimited consultations with a personal doctor, all necessary tests,
Instrumental and ultrasound examinations during pregnancy based on our own laboratory, day care hospitalization,
classes at the Mother's School,
consultations with narrow specialists.
When needed, we gather panels of experts.

From our point of view,
a packaged system of pregnancy management is the most optimal.

Considering numerous requests from our patients,
this year we have introduced two new types of services - "Standard" and "Economy" packages.
They are designed for young and healthy women up to 35 years old without therapeutic and obstetric pathologies.
All pregnancy management programs are developed in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and taking into account the experience of leading world clinics.
All patients receive the necessary medical documentation.

The uniqueness of GENESIS lies in the fact
that we have implemented the principle of "from conception to birth".
And this means
that our patients have the opportunity to both prepare for a healthy pregnancy
and give birth within the walls of our clinic.

Pregnancy management

is one of the priority directions of GENESIS.
We have experience in the most complex cases and observations of pregnancy following ART programs.

On our website, you can find detailed information about pregnancy management at GENESIS,
learn useful information,
read original articles,
written by GENESIS staff,
get information about our promotions.

We invite you to join the big family of GENESIS,
where you will always be welcomed and helped

We have no holidays or weekends,
because pregnancy doesn't take weekends off. We are always in touch with you 24/7 via mobile phone.
Welcome to the world of GENESIS!

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