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Treatment of male infertility at the "Genesis Dnipro" clinic
For a long time, it was widely believed that in all cases without exception, the woman was the cause of infertility. Modern medical technologies have long dispelled this myth, since, according to statistics, among all couples who turned to various clinics with the problem of conceiving a long-awaited child, in 40% of cases the man turns out to be the "culprit". Fortunately,
· obstructive, occurring as a result of disruption of the natural progression of sperm;
· immunological,
related to the production in women of antibodies,
capable of leading to the death of sperm.
The state of male health is influenced by numerous factors,
which often intersect with each other,
making the process of diagnosing and treating infertility difficult.
The most common causes of male infertility are the following:
· infections,
transmitted sexually;
· ejaculatory dysfunction;
· sexual dysfunction;
· various types of idiopathic disorders (oligozoospermia, teratozoospermia, and asthenozoospermia);
· varicocele;
· hormonal dysfunction;
· various congenital anomalies and/or developmental pathologies of the genital organs;
· injuries and bruises in the perineal area;
· inflammatory and chronic diseases of the genital organs;
· consumption of large doses of alcohol, drug use, smoking;
· unbalanced diet with an insufficient amount of proteins;
· intake of anabolic steroids;
· state of chronic stress.
Urologist or Andrologist?
According to statistics, every man visits a urologist at least once in his life, who deals with problems of the genitourinary sphere. Men turn to such specialists in cases of sexually transmitted diseases, various chronic inflammatory processes in the genital organs.
This is why this doctor, among the majority of representatives of the stronger sex of humanity, is considered male, although, in fact, a woman can also turn to him with her problems.
However, a specialist called an "andrologist" is indeed exclusively a male doctor, as he specializes in adjusting various sexual peculiarities and the state of the reproductive system of the representatives of the stronger sex of humanity. Essentially, andrology is a subsidiary branch of urology development.
distinguished by its narrow specialization. An important section of andrology is related to solving various problems associated with the reproductive function of men.
In our clinic, highly qualified urologist and andrologist are available. The choice of one specialist or another depends on the presence of certain problems in a man. In most cases, we advise members of the stronger sex to consult specifically with an andrologist.
Treatment of infertility and other problems in men at the clinic GENESIS DNEPR
The reproductive medicine clinic "Genesis Dnep" offers men a variety of treatment programs for various diseases related to reproductive function and the urogenital system.
· infections and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs
· disorders of spermatogenesis (continuous therapy for 3-6 months)
· varicocele
· assisted reproductive technologies (insemination with husband's or donor sperm, IVF, ICSI)
· treatment of erectile dysfunction
· phimosis
· condylomas and papillomas
· ejaculation disorder
· selection of the most effective combination of medicaments
· instillation pneumatic vibromassage of the prostate
· laser therapy
· thermotherapy
ozone therapy for blood
· phototherapy with blue light
· phonophoresis
· comprehensive medical stimulation of sexual function
· "Milan cocktail"
· laser-vacuum stimulation
· electromagnetic pulse therapy
· treatment of diseases of other organs that affect sexual function
· Marmar microsurgical varicocelectomy
· laparoscopic varicocelectomy
· puncture biopsy of the epididymis and testicle
· circumferential excision of the foreskin (phimosis)
· pneumovibromassage
· infrared laser
· ultrasound
· laser-vacuum stimulation
All studies, procedures, and operations are carried out in conditions of exceptional comfort.
During inpatient treatment and in the period of rehabilitation, patients stay in rooms equipped according to the standards of a 5-star hotel and, if desired, can perform their work duties remotely.
The andrologist of GENESIS DNEPR clinic is available around the clock on mobile communication with his patient,
Работаем ежедневно:
Украина, 49050 г. Днепр
ул. 25 Сичеславской Бригады (ул. Рыбинская), 119-120
Email: ivf.genesis.dnepr@gmail.com
+38(096) 370-13-24
+38(056) 370-13-23
Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp: +38(067) 544-68-28