Egg cell (oocyte) donation. Gamete donation
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Donor programs

Legal Aspects of Egg Donation

In Ukrainian legislation, the legal foundations of one of the assisted reproductive technology methods - egg donation - are established.
the procedure of egg donation is regulated by Article 123 of the Family Code of Ukraine and Article 48 of the Basic Laws of the Legislation of Ukraine on Health Protection.
The application of artificial insemination and embryo implantation is carried out according to the conditions and order,

established by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, for medical reasons by an adult woman,
with whom such an action is carried out,
provided there is written consent from the married couple,
ensuring the anonymity of the donor and maintaining medical confidentiality.
The Instructions on the procedure for the use of assisted reproductive technologies,
approved by the order of the Ministry of Health No. 787 dated 09.09.2013, reveal more about the legal aspects of the egg donation procedure,
than in the aforementioned laws.
It contains a list of persons,
who have the ability to offer their participation in such a procedure (donors). These can be familiar female faces, relatives; anonymous volunteer donors; patients of ART programs,
who have a written,
voluntary consent,
providing a recipient with part of their egg cell.

Main requirements for such donors:

- Woman aged between 20 to 32 years;
- Having a born healthy child;
- Absence of negative phenotypic manifestations;
- Satisfactory somatic health;

  • No contraindications for participating in the egg donation program;

  • No hereditary diseases; no harmful habits: drug addiction, alcoholism, substance abuse.

  • And it is important to note that the legislator has highlighted in the Instructions on the procedure for using assisted reproductive technologies specifically those women who can use a donor egg, necessarily having medical indications for it, such as: absence of eggs,
    Caused by natural menopause; premature ovarian failure syndrome; condition after oophorectomy, undergoing radio- or chemotherapy; anomalies in the development of sexual organs (gonadal dysgenesis, Turner syndrome); risk of transmitting hereditary diseases linked to sex (hemophilia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, ichthyosis, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease); repeated unsuccessful IVF attempts (4 or more) with insufficient ovarian response to superovulation induction, repeatedly obtaining low-quality embryos.
    The donation program is anonymous. The family using donor eggs is informed of the following parameters: height, weight, hair and eye color, nationality, education, presence of a family and children, blood type, and Rh factor. The recipient's age (the woman for whom the donor eggs are used) is preferably up to 51 years old. No information about the recipient is provided to the donor. The female recipient must be examined by a therapist. It is necessary to provide a doctor's report on the absence of contraindications for pregnancy and childbirth.
    Are you young, happy, and have healthy children? Then, in your body, hundreds of thousands of tiny eggs await fertilization. Each month, they disappear into nowhere... Donating some of your eggs and helping other women achieve the happiness of motherhood is a noble and worthy choice! In donation programs, a contract is made between the clinic and the donor, which represents consent for the puncture of the ovaries. The contract also defines the obligations of the parties.
    The candidate for donation undergoes a full medical examination and an interview with a psychologist.

    In what cases is egg donation used?

    Treatment of infertility,
    using a donor egg is recommended in cases:
    - Absence of ovaries
    - Inability to obtain own mature eggs
    - Absence of eggs due to natural menopause
    - Removal of uterine appendages
    - Repeated obtaining of embryos of inadequate quality
    - Repeated attempts at IVF,
    which did not lead to the onset of pregnancy

  • Contraindications to stimulation

  • Age over 38 years

  • Possibility of transmitting hereditary diseases to the child

  • The presence of a gene with mutation or hereditary diseases in the patient

  • Requirements for egg donors:

    • Woman aged 20-32 years

    • Having own children is mandatory

    • No harmful habits

    • No lactation

    The program ""Oocyte donation" includes the following stages:

    • Synchronization of menstrual cycles of the donor and recipient;

    • Ovulation stimulation in the egg donor using pharmacological drugs;

    • Retrieval of oocytes through ovarian puncture.
      Fertilization of the retrieved oocytes with the husband’s sperm;

    • Embryo transfer.

    Contraindications to the use of donor eggs in IVF:

    • Somatic and psychiatric diseases,
      in which there are contraindications to carrying a pregnancy;

    • - Congenital developmental defects or acquired deformations of the uterine cavity, in which embryo implantation is impossible;
      - Ovarian tumors;
      - Hyperplastic processes of the endometrium;
      - Benign uterine tumors requiring surgical treatment;
      - Acute inflammatory diseases of any location;
      - Malignant neoplasms of any location, including those in medical history.

      **How does the donation procedure occur?**
      The procedure of egg retrieval takes about 10-15 minutes and is conducted in a procedure room under general anesthesia. We can retrieve mature eggs from your ovaries by guiding a thin needle through the vaginal wall directly into the follicles and monitoring this process on the ultrasound device's screen. The needle has a slightly larger diameter than a needle used for drawing blood from a vein. After the procedure is completed, you will need to rest for several hours in a special ward. Then you can go home, having received payment for your services.
      What is the compensation for donation?

      After passing all the examinations, you can be enrolled in the donor registry.
      Before starting the egg donation program, a contract will be signed with you.
      Donors with Rh-positive blood type are paid $500,
      while donors with Rh-negative blood type receive $700
      on the day of the egg retrieval,
      regardless of their number and quality.


      All information about donor programs is confidential.
      The married couple
      receiving your eggs,

      signs a statement that they commit not to determine the identity of the egg donor and understand that further relations between them, or their children, and you are not possible. They will not know your name. However, they will be given general information about your weight, height, appearance, and nationality. An egg donor cannot request information about the outcomes of donor programs. Your donation will become a priceless gift to those infertile couples,
      for whom the only chance to have a desired child can be realized through the voluntary participation of women like you.

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