Cryopreservation of embryos, oocytes, and ovarian tissue. Treatment of infertility.
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Cryopreservation of embryos, oocytes

Cryopreservation of embryos, oocytes

Cryopreservation of embryos

For long-term storage of cells, tissues, and embryos, a freezing method was developed - cryopreservation. Cryopreserved biological material is stored in special containers using liquid nitrogen. The maximum storage duration of cryopreserved biological materials is quite long - over 25 years, and possibly even longer.

Freezing methods:

  1. Slow cryopreservation method

  2. Ultra-fast freezing - vitrification.

But even with compliance of all conditions of cryopreservation, storage, and thawing of biological material, there is a chance of damage to cells or tissues,
meaning it is impossible to guarantee the one hundred percent viability of the frozen material for further use.

The reproductive medicine clinic «Genesis Dnipro» conducts sperm analysis,
freezing and its storage,
as well as cryopreservation of embryos,
cryopreservation of oocytes,
cryopreservation of ovarian tissue

Thanks to all these procedures, IVF has become more efficient and the chances of treating infertility have significantly increased. With the use of frozen eggs or embryos, the chances of fertilization are quite high, and these processes have no negative impact on the children born.

Cryopreservation of embryos is conducted in cases where
When the number of viable embryos exceeds the number of embryos being implanted, and the spouses draw up a consent form for this procedure.

The existence of an ovarian tissue cryobank allows solving the problem of restoring reproductive function after treatment of cancer diseases, which are associated with premature ovarian failure.

As a rule, ovarian tissues are transplanted after thawing as a regular source of mature follicles with ovulation.
After such frozen ovarian tissue transfer procedures, the chances of a successful pregnancy increase.

On the "Genesis Dnipro" clinic's website, detailed information is provided about the various types of cryopreservation performed: sperm cryopreservation,
embryo cryopreservation,
egg cryopreservation,
ovarian tissue cryopreservation

If you have any questions on this topic,
Contact the listed phone numbers or use the "Ask a Question" feature directly on the site and clinic specialists will consult you. More detailed information can be obtained during an appointment with a doctor.
Registration for an appointment with a doctor is available online or via contact phone numbers.

Indications for embryo freezing:

- Upcoming chemotherapy or radiation therapy;
- The need for further infertility treatment using IVF method;
- The desire to postpone conception for several years (using one's own gametes or embryos);
- Upcoming surgery on the pelvic organs.

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