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Artificial insemination - an effective method of conception
Every year, the number of couples around the world who cannot have a child naturally multiplies. This sad statistic is due to numerous factors, including environmental conditions and a general decline in health levels.
One of the methods closest to natural conception is artificial insemination, which involves introducing sperm into the uterine cavity, previously treated in a special way.
When conducting intrauterine insemination, it is impossible to guarantee a 100% result due to a large number of factors affecting efficiency.
One should never forget that
this technique only provides the most favorable conditions for conception - whether it occurs or not,
on the state of the woman's body at the moment of sperm introduction and natural characteristics,
which are very difficult to influence.
Indications for intrauterine insemination
For artificial insemination, either husband’s sperm or donor’s sperm can be used. The procedure itself is absolutely the same in both cases,
only the indications for its prescription differ.
Most often, insemination is required in the presence of so-called female factors of infertility,
which include the following:
· cervical factor of infertility;
· cervical canal factor of infertility;
· any surgeries performed on the cervical canal in the past;
· endocervicitis;
· production by the woman's body of antisperm antibodies,
not allowing conception;
· allergic reactions to sperm;
· vaginismus,
not allowing a full sexual intercourse;
· ovulatory dysfunction,
which can be corrected with special medication;
· infertility of unclear etiology with perfectly normal tests and condition of the reproductive system.
In married couples, the husband can also have issues,
where intrauterine insemination is necessary for conception to occur:
· absence of ejaculation;
· impotence;
· various sexual disorders that prevent achieving ejaculation;
· too small volume of ejaculate;
· retrograde ejaculation, leading to the entry of sperm into the urinary bladder;
· hypospadias;
· increased viscosity of sperm;
· subfertile sperm (with low-motility spermatozoa in insufficient quantity);
· conditions after vasectomy procedure;
· undergone chemotherapy.
Indications for performing donor sperm insemination include:
· azoospermia in husband;
· high risk of genetic inherited deviations and diseases;
· venereal and other infectious diseases in husband,
capable of harming the future child;
· single women,
who want to have a child without a husband.
Regardless of who performs the donor sperm insemination - a married couple or a single woman,
even before the procedure itself, they must sign an official document,
· malignant tumors;
· presence of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
· obstruction, adhesions, or blockage of the fallopian tubes;
· bleeding of unknown origin;
· surgical interventions in the pelvic area;
· treatment with gonadotropins and the resulting ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome;
· presence of more than three unsuccessful insemination attempts in the past.
Universal contraindications,
valid for both women and men, is the presence of any venereal diseases. In such cases, artificial insemination is not conducted until the disease is completely cured, and, if that is not possible, the possibility of completely foregoing pregnancy is considered. If only the man is ill, then insemination can be performed using donor sperm.
How the artificial insemination procedure is conducted
The procedure of artificial insemination is performed in the following sequence:
After taking sperm from a husband or donor, it undergoes special treatment to isolate the most active sperm cells and place them in a special nutrient medium. The resulting solution is used within the next 1-2 hours, as soon as ovulation is confirmed in the woman.
Meanwhile, monitoring of the woman's follicles is conducted to determine whether ovulation has occurred or not. In some cases, the procedure is postponed for a few days, and the sperm is frozen.
The prepared sperm is placed in a special syringe and introduced into the uterine cavity using a long catheter.
As a result, the most viable sperm end up in the uterus, quickly move through the tubes to the egg, help to liquefy its shell, after which only one penetrates inside, and fertilization occurs.
We advise women not to despair and not to fall into depression after the first unsuccessful attempt, but to rest a bit and repeat the insemination procedure 2-3 more times.
If even after that the long-awaited pregnancy has not occurred, it is recommended to completely abandon intrauterine insemination as an impractical technology in this particular case and use the technique of in vitro fertilization (IVF).
In the clinic "Genesis Dnipro", the procedure of artificial insemination is carried out by experienced doctors using the most modern equipment, which allows achieving the most positive result. A thorough preliminary preparation is carried out for the woman,
which further increases the likelihood of pregnancy.
Come to us,
and take the opportunity to become parents!
Работаем ежедневно:
Украина, 49050 г. Днепр
ул. 25 Сичеславской Бригады (ул. Рыбинская), 119-120
Email: ivf.genesis.dnepr@gmail.com
+38(096) 370-13-24
+38(056) 370-13-23
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