Blocked fallopian tubes: causes, diagnosis, treatment
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Assessment of Fallopian Tube Patency

Assessment of Fallopian Tube Patency

Fallopian Tube Blockage: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

Today, fallopian tube blockage is one of the most common causes of female infertility. This condition prevents a couple from having a child in 20-25 percent of cases, which is why modern medicine pays close attention to it.

At the "Genesis Dnipro" clinic, various diagnostic and treatment methods for such issues with fallopian tube patency are presented,
Allowing with high probability to guarantee the occurrence of the desired pregnancy.

The main insidiousness of such a condition is that a woman may not experience any unpleasant sensations and may not notice symptoms of fallopian tube blockage. However, signs of such a condition can include various pain sensations in the lower abdomen, unusual yellowish or bloody discharges, excessive pain during menstruation and sexual intercourse. That is why it is important to identify the presence of such a problem in time.

Fallopian tube blockage is classified depending on the causes that induced the condition:

  • Organic blockage
    characterized by the presence of various anatomical barriers encountered by the egg. These could be adhesions, narrowing in the lumen of the fallopian tube due to past acute or chronic inflammations; various polypoid formations on the mucous membrane of the fallopian tube.

  • Functional blockage
    characterized by a disruption of the normal peristalsis of the tube. This type of obstruction occurs as a result of various failures in the body's hormonal system.

    The obstruction can be complete, where both tubes cannot function normally at all sites, or partial, where the problem occurs only at one of the sites of the tube.

    Causes of Fallopian Tube Obstruction

    Fallopian tube obstruction most often occurs as a result of past diseases of the pelvic organs.
    However, the occurrence of such a problem is possible under other conditions as well. The main causes leading to the blockage of the fallopian tubes are considered to be the following:

    - congenital developmental anomalies;
    - acute or chronic infectious-inflammatory diseases that have been transferred, including sexually transmitted diseases;
    - presence of mechanical damages to the fallopian tubes and uterus, resulting from unsuccessful surgical interventions;
    - surgical operations on the ovaries and other pelvic organs;
  • presence of large fibroids and other neoplasms;

  • endometriosis;

  • hydrosalpinx - dilation of the fallopian tubes and their filling with fluid;

  • adhesive processes;

  • past abortion.

If treated timely, all these conditions may not lead to the development of obstruction,
therefore it is necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist and undergo all necessary examinations.

Diagnosis of Fallopian Tube Patency

Nowadays, there are several methods available that allow to determine with high accuracy,
whether the fallopian tubes are fully or partially passable. For maximum diagnostic reliability, it is recommended to perform it on the 7-8 day of the current menstrual cycle.

Genesis Dnipro Clinic offers patients the following diagnostic tests:

Hysterosalpingography (HSG), during which a special contrast agent is injected into the uterus, allowing for quality X-ray images.
This technique is considered one of the most highly informative, however, it is not used in all cases of tubal blockage.
With HSG, it is possible to accurately determine the presence and degree of blockage of each tube in all sections,
as well as the localization of the problem.

is a procedure for determining the patency of the fallopian tubes using an examination with modern ultrasound diagnostic equipment.
During the process of echosalpingoscopy, a sterile saline solution is injected into the uterine area through the cervix using a special ultra-thin catheter. During the ultrasound, the diagnostician can see whether the solution passes through the fallopian tubes or not. This method is absolutely safe and allows for reliable determination of complete tubal occlusion by expanding the uterine cavity with the previously introduced solution.
For diagnosing the presence of adhesions in various sections and partial obstruction of the tubes, this study is not suitable.

Diagnostic laparoscopy is the most reliable, but complex and performed under anesthesia method for checking the patency of the fallopian tubes. Using a small incision in the anterior abdominal wall, a contrast agent called indigo carmine is introduced into the uterine cavity, which stains the fallopian tubes. During the examination itself, the diagnostic physician can clearly see,

whether the substance enters the abdominal area. If this does not happen,
the fallopian tubes are blocked.
During laparoscopy,
if necessary,
it is possible to immediately address some existing issues,
for example,
remove adhesions.

In addition to instrumental methods, mandatory laboratory tests of blood,
various swabs and other necessary examinations are performed,
allowing to obtain the most accurate picture of the condition of the female reproductive organs and the entire body as a whole,
after which it will be determined what to do next.

Treatment of Fallopian Tube Obstruction

After a detailed examination of the patient and, in some cases, her spouse, a particular treatment method is prescribed.
At Genesis Dnepr clinic, two main methods are used,
widely prevalent in modern medical practice:

  • Surgical correction
    involving the performance of laparoscopy with the aim of eliminating adhesions,
    localized inflammation foci,
    various neoplasms of the pelvic organs,
    as well as reconstructive plastic surgery. These procedures are indicated exclusively in non-advanced cases, when isolated adhesive processes are observed, partial tubal occlusion, as well as regular ovulation exists and the fertility of both spouses is at a sufficiently high level.

    The IVF technique (in vitro fertilization), allowing to achieve pregnancy in cases of complete tubal occlusion.

    One of the main drawbacks of surgical interventions is that,
    that after them, the risk of an ectopic pregnancy increases to 25-30 percent. However, timely ultrasound diagnostics at the very early stages of a post-surgical pregnancy can avoid negative consequences.
    The ultimate success of a particular surgery can only be reliably judged after 1-2 years of active sexual life.
    If pregnancy does not occur during this period,
    it is recommended to turn to the reproductive IVF technique.

    IVF has been conducted by the specialists of the "Genesis Dnepro" clinic since its establishment, and the twenty-year experience of our specialists combined with modern innovative equipment and medications allows us to guarantee a high level of positive results.
    the risk of ectopic pregnancy in IVF is just 1-3 percent,
    and the success of extracorporeal fertilization can be assessed in just 2 weeks.

    Fallopian tube blockage is not at all a sentence for those women who want to get pregnant!

    Come to Genesis Dnepr clinic, and our specialists will help you find the joy of motherhood using modern surgical or reproductive techniques.

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